samedi, avril 23, 2005

cross eyed with times new roman...

which, I guess is better than going blind from staring at ariel or comic sans all day... I can only imagine the response of my very distinguished professor if I handed him my thesis written entirely in Treefrog. Or Webdings 3.

not to fear, 'tis but the ramblings of a diseased mind. which is now seeing the world in black and white with serifs.

Remember Neas? all those afternoons in the castle with Martin, staring at fonts...

apparently the only solution to this ailment is to cut the crap and go out to face society. Eat pizza exquise first, drink wine out of a paper bag. Dance ass off to the sweet tunes of the early 90s...

"it's like that, and that's the way it is - Huh"

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